Windows Azure Web Sites has recently been upgraded to a new version. Among all the improvements and bug fixes in the new version there is one change that fixes a known issue with update of WordPress plugins. There have been numerous questions about this problem at the Azure Web Sites forum.
After the service upgrade the Windows Azure Web Sites now uses a newer version of WinCache – 1.3.4. This version has a fix for for the plugin update problem. I tried it and was able to update all of plugins on my site without a problem:

Other PHP related changes in this release of WAWS include newer PHP version (5.3.19) and support for UTF-8 encoding for server variables REQUEST_URI and PATH_INFO.
I just tried to download and install WinCache 1.3.5 for PHP 5.5.3
I searched a half-hour in WPI and despite info. that it would be there as an option, I couldn’t find it. In addition trying to get the corrrect version from sourceforge requires you to be – somewhat observant!
Just an fyi on my experience with WinCache on a local WIMP setup.
In short – what should have taken 5 minutes took (me) an hour or more and I’m still not convinced I have the latest ‘stable’ version of WinCache.
Just sharing my experience.
Is this update applied automatically to all azure websites, or are we meant to do something? I’m still having issues updating wordpress plugins on azure.
I can work around it, but its far from idea.
I’m still running into this issue with my Azure hosted WordPress site – every time I try to update the plugins on my site, I see the following:
Downloading update from…
Unpacking the update…
Installing the latest version…
Removing the old version of the plugin…
Could not copy file. C:/DWASFiles/Sites/designpodcast/VirtualDirectory0/site/wwwroot/wp-content/plugins/google-analyticator/google-api-php-client/LICENSE
Plugin update failed.
What’s more, this seems to have brought my WordPress installation down entirely! No markup is spit out from the server when I try to access the site. At the very least, how do I roll that back? any idea?
An update – I read the php_errors.log file on my site, and ended up having to copy/paste the failed plugins over to my site manually. How annoying. I’ll try to sort out this caching issue before updating anything else in the future.
even with latest wincache version have problems to update wordpress plugins